Welcoming the ~25 students enrolled @ QC in Oct. 2023.
The first complete lecture on Quantum Computing from Romania, IQC: Introduction to Quantum Computing lead by prof. P.G. Popescu and with the help of dr. Andrei Tanasescu & eng. Mihai Mina (Oracle Inc.) has been introduced in Spring 2017.
Since 2017, more than 150 students took the lecture and learned quantum computing; more than 30 presentations were given during the lectures on various quantum topics and their related applications. Our students were testing more than 10 quantum simulators, and became familiar with the latest quantum technologies on the market.
The true nature of qubits;
Interference and why relative phase matters;
What you might not have thought about CNOT;
The asterisk of the "no-cloning" dilemma*;
Demystifying the entangled relationships of particles;
Teleportation: science fiction turned reality;
Tales from the Quantum Realm: Holiday Special;
Entanglement from an informational perspective;
The power of quantum computation;
IBM Q Experience
@IQC - Invited Guest Lecture: Mihai Carabas - RoNaQCI;
Worthy Students:
Dragos Iulian Argint: Quantum Digital Signatures
Cezar Craciunoiu: Towards Post-Quantum Blockchain;
David Constantinescu: Quantum Sensors;
@IQC - The IQC lecture is now also held at ETTI, UPB as Foundation of Quantum Computing (FQC);
@IQC - Invited Guest Lecture: Gabi Suliman - Physics of Quantum Computations;
@IQC - Invited Guest Lecture: Voichita Iancu - Big data: where from and where to?;
Worthy Students:
Delia Luca: Quantum Image Encryption;
@IQC - We focused an entire lecture on Grover's algorithm;
Worthy Students:
Alexandra Maria Dobrescu: Training deep quantum neural networks;
Antoniu Ioan Cirjan: Quantum entanglement in outer space;
Iulian Tita: Post-quantum: Supersingular Isogeny Diffie Hellman;
Costin Mihai Dinu: Quantum Secret Sharing;
@IQC - We focused an entire lecture on Shor's algorithm;
Worthy Students:
Florin Daniel Mocanu: Lattice-based Cryptographic Algorithm;
Alina Irina Parvan: Quantum computing si securitatea tehnologiei 5G;
Vlad Oncioiu: Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics;
Razvan Ciobanu: Quantum Learning;
@IQC - We added a lecture on Security Protocols and one on Quantum Information Theory;
Worthy Students:
Radu Stoenescu*: Knocking on Heaven's Door with a Quantum Computer;
Iulian Birlica: Deterministic secure quantum communication with and without entanglement;
Alin Bogdan Popa: Quantum Annealing;
@IQC - We added a lecture on QFT algorithms;
@IQC - Invited Guest Lecture: Adriana Balan - Categories for Quantum Theory;
Worthy Students:
Andrei Tanasescu*: Re-bits in Quantum Computing;
Valentin Sergiu Cioaca: Quantum Computing - D-Wave Systems;
Cristi Alexandru Vasile: Adiabatic Quantum Computing;
Anca Pavelescu: Optical Quantum Computing;
Stefan Stanculescu: Quantum Decision Theory;
Alexandra Mihaela Gogoanta: Quantum Key Distribution;
@IQC - We started with basic courses like qubits, single qubit gates, multiple qubits, universal gates, entanglement, teleportation, quantum algorithms in general;
Worthy Students:
Radu Emanuel Chiscariu: Shor Algorithm;
Alexandru Razvan Caciulescu: Quantum Cryptography;
Romeo Horeanga: Quantum Computing and Bitcoin;